Dear patient ! Personal data, your right to documentation.

In connection with the entry into force of the Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on the Protection of Personal Data (GDPR), I would like to inform you that your data are processed in my Medical Practice according to the principles described in the Regulation (art.9 par.2 letter h GDPR).

Medical activity of doctors is connected with the obligation to keep medical records.

By giving your consent for diagnostics or treatment (orally or in writing), you also give your consent for the Practice to process your personal data needed to provide this service. No additional consent is required. Due to the fact that (in accordance with the Act on Patient’s Rights and Patient’s Rights Ombudsman) records are kept for a period of 20 years from the last visit, the “right to forget” provided for in the data protection regulations may be exercised only after this period has expired.

Each Patient has the right to request access to personal data and medical records. He or she may also, by means of a separate application, authorize (until revocation) another close person both to find out about his or her condition and to file a request for access to the records. The first copy of the records is provided free of charge. Copies of the relevant requests will be handed out upon request at the Clinic.

The scope of personal data necessary for the provision of services includes: first name, surname, gender designation, PESEL, address and – in case of persons incapable of giving consent – data of the legal guardian.

By requesting a telephone number or e-mail address and providing this information, you are facilitating our contact with you and authorizing the Practice to use these means of communication to:

  • find out about your health after surgery,
  • remind you of an appointment,
  • cancel an appointment,
  • remind you of periodic checkups (if necessary due to the nature of your condition)

and such contact with you is not treated under the law as marketing of services and patient consent is not required.

Remember, however, that you can ask for this data to be deleted or rectified at any time. “Recipients” of your data may be entities authorized by law (e.g. ZUS, NFZ, courts) or persons you authorize yourself.

If you believe that the Practice’s actions violate the principles of personal data protection you may contact the Data Controller: Controller – please write your name, surname and telephone number or to the Office for Personal Data Protection: Warsaw, 2 Stawki Street, tel. 606 950 000.

Remember that some aspects of personal data protection in medicine may significantly differ from those in force in other branches of economy.

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We fulfill the goals and tasks of a medical entity. We provide dental care to patients in accordance with current medical knowledge, current procedures, available methods and resources, with due diligence, as well as with respect for professional ethics and patient rights.